pester pac automation supports charitable organizations in the region

Thomas Pester (2nd from left), CEO, and Wendelin Grotz (1st from right), Managing Director of Finances, presenting donation check to  Martin Fackler from the Association “Von Herz zu Herz” and Heinke Rauscher from Humedica at pester pac automation GmbH company headquarters, Wolfertschwenden/Germany.
15.03.2020 - pester pac automation GmbH is one of the world’s leading suppliers of end-of-line packaging and automation solutions for the pharmaceutical and consumables sector. As a family-owned company and major employer in the region, assuming social responsibility has highest priority. This is yet another year in which Pester has supported regional associations through a fundraising campaign.

This year, pester pac automation donated 30,000 euros to four selected local charitable organizations, thus supporting social aid projects throughout the world. On March 6, 2020, Thomas Pester, CEO, and Wendelin Grotz, Managing Director for Finances, personally presented donations amounting to 10,000 euros each to two representatives from Humedica and the association “Von Herz zu Herz” (From Heart to Heart) at the company’s headquarters in Wolfertschwenden.

“As part of our tradition as a family-owned company and major employer in the region, it is our social responsibility to regularly support charitable initiatives in Allgäu,” Thomas Pester announced. “This year, we have raised funds for four important regional organizations which need corresponding support for their aid projects and appreciate a valuable contribution.”

The Kempten association “From Heart to Heart” was delighted to receive a generous donation of 10,000 euros. “From Heart to Heart” supports various projects in the region and worldwide. The largest project at the moment is the new construction of a day-care hospital in one of the poorest areas of Tanzania. “Providing humanitarian assistance is a huge challenge to which we must commit more than ever before. If everyone makes a small contribution we will be able to achieve great things,” says Martin Fackler, one of the managers of “Von Herz zu Herz”.

Humedica also received a donation of 10,000 euros. Established in 1979, this German aid organization provides worldwide humanitarian work with a focus on disaster operations and medical care. “We are extremely grateful that pester pac automation has been supporting us with various donations for a long time. It is only thanks to the invaluable support of regular donors such as pester pac automation that we are able to help people in need quickly and reliably,” says a delighted Heinke Rauscher, Managing Director of Humedica.

Pester also presented a donation of 5,000 euros to the association “Doctors without Borders”. As a humanitarian medical organization, they engage in high-quality and efficient healthcare provision in over 70 countries worldwide where the survival of adults and children is at risk.

A further donation of 5,000 euros was made to the association “Bunter Kreis e.V.” which helps over 2000 families with critically ill children (e.g. cancer, chronic diseases) in the Bavarian region of Swabia, offering aftercare, therapeutic treatment and patient training.